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Pre-School Visit The Farm

Pre-School Visit The Farm
We had such enjoyment in preparing for our Pre-School's outing to the local Farm College.   A parent that works their kindly organised a mini bus and tour for our children to be shown around The Farm.  They got to hold the biggest Rabbits ever, hold the wrigley Guinee Pigs, feed the Lambs and experience what farming life is like.  The Children loved and it and so did we. 

We can't wait for next years trip! 

A very BIG 'Thank you' to The Ward Family! 

@BananaMoon - 1 year ago

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We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Chipping Norton

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Evans Way
Chipping Norton

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